Thursday, July 31, 2008

on the road again....que les vaya bien

(In reality, this post was written several days ago on normal writing paper while I sat on a sandy beach drinking a Margarita. We are traveling with only the bare essentials [we have dumped all our stuff at a friends house while we play] and could not get it onto a computer until now.)

We have moved out of our home in Esteli and have said our goodbyes. As you can imagine, the departure phase is a mixed bag of emotions, both happy and sad. At present, we are taking some time to debrief from our year-long excursion and are soaking in some more of the beautiful sights of Nicaragua before returning home to the U.S.A.

It has been a fantastic year. In many ways much better than we even dreamed. There is much to say by way of reflection on our experiences as a whole, but it will have to wait until I have longer access to a computer. In other words.... to be continued. Looking forward to seeing some of you very soon Stateside. ;-)